Inventory Planner
The supply chain product suite of Anicca provides algorithms for demand forecasting, recommended buy, lead & cycle time, margin, and revenue optimization.

Demand Forecasting
Forecasting demand at various product hierarchy levels. Customised data pipeline to read the product hierarchy and produce forecast. An event & market intelligence based forecasting approach to address volatility in demand.
Hierarchical forecast for planning
Uncertainity bounds to address market volatality
Accuracy measurements for performance
Replenishment System
Merchandise planning & reorder quantity products using economic order quantity and weeks of cover modules. Using anicca's replenishment algorithm, buyers & planners have ability to make decisions based on product turns and payment terms.​
Demand Forecasting of products & items(with size)
Lead time prediction & variance
Order cycle analysis

Recommend Buy & Sell through analysis
Recommended buy quantities are calculated based on on-hand, on-order inventory, and lead time level forecast. An optimal recommendation of quantity by time is developed to facilitate purchase-order planning.
Recommended buy quantities at SKU level
Final quantities for placing PO
Sell through analytics dashboard
API integration to transactional systems
Alert and Simulation Engine
Simulation models to capture demand influencing factors and adjust forecast along with recommended buy. Alerting mechanism to notify product inventory levels
Demand variance-based sell through projection
Identify and augment out of stock scenarios
Proactive aged inventory mapping
Gauging Lost opportunity

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